# Processing EEG with MNE-Python ```python import mne import warnings import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from almirah import Layout mne.set_log_level(False) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') ``` ```python lay = Layout(root="/path/to/data", specification_name="bids") lay ``` ```python lay = Layout.get(specification_name='bids') ``` ```python files = lay.query(datatype="eeg", extension=".vhdr") len(files) ``` 2223 ```python vhdr_file = lay.query(subject="D0019", session="101", datatype="eeg", task="rest", extension =".vhdr")[0] eeg_file = lay.query(subject="D0019", session="101", datatype="eeg", task="rest", extension=".eeg")[0] montage_file = lay.query(subject="D0019", session="101", space="CapTrak", suffix="electrodes")[0] print(vhdr_file.rel_path) ``` sub-D0019/ses-101/eeg/sub-D0019_ses-101_task-rest_run-01_eeg.vhdr ```python eeg_file.download() ``` ```python montage = mne.channels.read_custom_montage(montage_file.path) raw = mne.io.read_raw_brainvision(vhdr_file.path, preload=True) raw.set_montage(montage) raw.info["bads"] = ["VREF"] raw.info ```
Measurement date Unknown
Experimenter Unknown
Participant Unknown
Digitized points 132 points
Good channels 128 EEG, 5 misc
Bad channels VREF
EOG channels Not available
ECG channels Not available
Sampling frequency 1000.00 Hz
Highpass 0.00 Hz
Lowpass 500.00 Hz
# Preprocessing ```python # Apply a band-pass filter raw.filter(1, 40, fir_design="firwin") # Plot the raw data raw.plot(n_channels=30, duration=30, scalings="auto") plt.close() ``` ![png](../images/eeg/raw-plot.png) # Artifact removal using ICA ```python # Setup ICA ica = mne.preprocessing.ICA(n_components=15, random_state=97) ica.fit(raw) # Plot ICA components ica.plot_components() # Select bad components manually (usually by visual inspection) ica.exclude = [0, 6, 14] # Example: components 0 and 1 are eye blinks and heartbeats # Apply ICA removal raw_clean = ica.apply(raw.copy()) ``` ![png](../images/eeg/ica-plot.png) # Power Spectral Analysis ```python # Compute and plot Power Spectral Density (PSD) raw_clean.compute_psd().plot(exclude="bads", amplitude=False) plt.show() ``` ![png](../images/eeg/psd-plot.png) ```python raw_clean.compute_psd().plot_topomap(ch_type="eeg", agg_fun=np.median) plt.close() ``` ![png](../images/eeg/spectrum-topo-plot.png)