About CBM-ADBS Study

Changes in the structure and function of the brain that result in disorders are poorly understood. Neither do we understand why some individuals are more prone to developing brain disorders than others. Understanding these underlying changes in the brain will likely lead to better methods to diagnose and treat mental illness.

The CALM (CBM ADBS Longitudinal Multimodal) Brain Data Resource provides the scientific community with freely accessible neuroimaging datasets collected from clinically dense families via the CBM-ADBS study to pursue questions along this line. The neuroimaging datasets are complemented with genetic and clinical data collected from the same cohort. By compiling and distributing this, we hope to facilitate a better understanding of brain disorders.

CALM-Brain is hosted by gin.ncbs.res.in and provides the community with access to most neuroimaging, genetic, and clinical data collected by the CBM-ADBS study. All data is available via www.calm-brain.org.


This work was initially supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, and the Pratiksha Trust through the Accelerator Program for Discovery in Brain Disorders using Stem Cells (ADBS) under Grant No. BT/PR17316/MED/31/326/2015, and later by the Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies Foundation via the Center for Brain and Mind.

girish edited this page 9 months ago